With social media and word of mouth being incredibly powerful tools for marketing your site it's good to know how to use Twitter to announce a new post. In this article, I'll show you how to announce your new posts on Twitter with a handy plugin called WP to Twitter .
Start by installing and activating WP to Twitter . Then go to Settings » WP to Twitter to start setting it up.
WP to Twitter settings
WP to Twitter Setup
As you can see in the screenshot above, russian virtual mobile number you will need an API key to proceed. To obtain this key you will need to go to the Twitter App Registration page while logged in to your Twitter account. This will take you to a page for creating a Twitter App, where you will need to enter the name of the app, a description of it, and your website URL for the website and callback fields.
Twitter App Manager
Once you've filled out this information, you'll be taken to your app's page, where you'll need to go to Settings , scroll down to Apps , and change the Access field to Read and Write . You can now copy and paste the APIs and access tokens into your plugin.
All that's left to do is tell the plugin how you want it to send the links. Head back to the plugin's settings page and scroll down to the Status Update Templates section . From here you can choose which URL shortening service you want to use and whether you want the service to post for each event.
Choose how to send your Tweet
You can even edit the message to something more personalized in each field. The options below the status update templates will give you a bunch of other customizable settings to play around with, to add things like hashtags and allow other users to use your Twitter account.
If you're concerned about a particular post and don't want to tweet it, in the post editor you have the option to create a special tweet or not tweet that post at all. If you don't see this option, make sure to open the screen options at the top right and check the WP to Twitter box.
wp to Twitter post editor metabox
Word of warning if you accidentally republish a post it will still be automatically posted to Twitter that it was posted. I hope this article helps you gain more viewers with the power of Twitter.
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