Google Search Guidance on AI-Generated Content

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Google Search Guidance on AI-Generated Content

Post by mk8844741 »

Google has long believed in the power of AI to transform the ability to deliver useful information. In this post, we’ll explain how AI-generated content fits into Google’s approach to showing useful content to users in Search.

SEO Future
Reward high-quality content, regardless of how it is produced
Google's ranking systems aim to reward high-quality, original content that demonstrates the qualities of EEA: Expertise , Experience , Authoritativeness , and Trustworthiness , as outlined on the How Search Works site .

Google's focus on the quality of content, rather than how it's produced, is a useful guide that has helped deliver high-quality, reliable results to users for years.

For example, about ten years ago, there was understandable concern italy number phone about the rise of mass-produced, human-generated content. No one would have thought it reasonable for Google to ban all human-generated content. Instead, it made more sense to improve systems to reward quality content.


From the beginning, Google has been focused on rewarding quality content. That remains the case today, including through ranking systems designed to surface trustworthy information and the Helpful Content system . The Helpful Content system was introduced last year, with the August 2022 Helpful Content Update , to ensure that searchers get content that was created primarily for people, and not for search ranking purposes.

How automation can create useful content
As for automatically generated content, Google's guidelines have been consistent for years. The use of automation, including AI, to develop content primarily for the purpose of manipulating ranking in search resultsviolates spam policies ofGoogle.

Google has many years of experience in combating the use of automation to manipulate search results. Google's efforts to combat spam - including its Spam Brain system -will continue regardless of how the spam occurs.

That said, it’s important to recognize that not all use of automation, including AI generation, is spam. Automation has long been used to generate useful content, such as sports scores, weather forecasts, and transcripts. AI can empower new levels of expression and creativity and be a critical tool in helping people create great content for the web.

This is in line with how Google has always thought about empowering people with new technologies. Google continues to take a responsible approach while keeping the bar high when it comes to the quality of information and overall usefulness of content in search.

New call to action

Google's advice for creators thinking about building AI
As explained, regardless of how content is produced, those seeking success in Google Search should aim to produce original, high-quality, people-oriented content that demonstrates EEA qualities.

Creators can learn more about the concept of EEA on Google's help page Creating useful, trustworthy , and user-oriented content. Additionally, Google has updated that page with some guidance on how to think in terms of who, how, and why content is produced .

Whether you use AI-generated content or not, evaluating your content in this way will help you stay on track with what Google's systems intend to reward.

Frequently asked questions about Google AI
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