Benefits of having multiple WhatsApp numbers and multi-brand control on WhatsApp for businesses via Callbell

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Benefits of having multiple WhatsApp numbers and multi-brand control on WhatsApp for businesses via Callbell

Post by Sticking »

Let's talk about having multiple WhatsApp numbers

We fully understand that the majority of companies in 2023 are advanced in their business in a digital environment. For this, we know that having several WhatsApp numbers is very important for the business to communicate with its customers efficiently.

We know that many companies have multiple WhatsApp numbers job seekers database for different departments, brands or different types of services and this is how they centralize and organize the information of each service. This simplifies customer support and avoids accumulating information. Except that the problem here is that conversations and some information can get lost.

Let’s talk about multi-brands

Today, let's talk about brands. There are companies that have sub-brands and sub-lines of products and services. Each one can have a different business identity and for this, a single WhatsApp is not enough to manage all the brands that a company manages. It is very important to have a WhatsApp for each brand.

It is important to understand that a multi-brand business requires separate spaces for each product line and each different brand. This brings a number of benefits in terms of information organization, department separation and customer management.

Let's talk about the benefits of having multiple numbers and multiple brands on WhatsApp via Callbell

Now that we have understood why it is necessary to have multiple WhatsApp numbers. It is necessary to understand what are the benefits that applying this strategy brings us.


When we use multiple WhatsApp to manage different departments or brands. We have each conversation on a separate WhatsApp. This way we know that WhatsApp 1 is for a specific department and WhatsApp 2 is for another. Each one is used separately for two different types of customers this way the information does not get mixed up.

Separate management

Another advantage is that you will be able to manage each account and number separately even though they are on the same platform. This allows employees to feel like you are using a single application when in reality you are working with different WhatsApps.

Separate statistics for each number

This is only possible if you use an intermediate monitoring service associated with the WhatsApp Business API . When you have several WhatsApp numbers, it is very important to have measurements to understand the direction your Business is taking. For this, with Callbell , we bring you advanced statistics for each number you have.

A number for each brand

Having multiple brands, it makes sense for a company to have multiple numbers to manage its support. In this case, the ability to add each WhatsApp phone number to a single platform and manage all cases from one place is essential. With Callbell , this is completely possible.

Centralization in a single platform

As we said, having multiple WhatsApp numbers for customer support means that agents have to switch WhatsApps every time. However, from Callbell you can integrate all your WhatsApp numbers in one place.

Simple supervision for each number

The organization, supervision and proper functioning of customer service is essential, when you have several numbers this can turn into total chaos. Callbell by providing a platform where you can manage several numbers and organize brand or department information makes supervision simple and administrators can evaluate each employee individually.
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