In recent years, health researchers have concluded that among all the habits to improve our healthy lifestyle, the most important is nutrition.
So, in addition to time for exercise, time for sleep and deep relationships, nutrition with the appropriate nutrients should be a central point in our scheme of priorities .
In this article we show you valuable information about one of the most common foods in our world today, snacks . And beyond the prejudices towards these snacks, we show you how to take advantage of them to improve some aspect of your daily life.
What is a snack for?
Snacks is the generic name given to light foods that are not eaten as main meals during the day. Some examples are chips, nuts, peanuts, cookies, among others.
There are different motivations for consuming a snack , they could be summarized in two main ones : To accompany parties or other entertainment occasions, and for small snacks during the day.
At social events, these snacks serve as an accompaniment to the main meal. Generally, a full meal includes a portion of the main dish with 2 side dishes that are characterized by providing a feeling of satiety.
There are various reasons for consuming them as a snack , such as temporarily satisfying hunger, recovering a little energy when the body is experiencing lows, or simply providing a little pleasure.
Scientists and nutritionists have realized that snacks are part of our daily lives , so instead of labeling them as simple junk food, they opted to make the most of them and gain nutritional advantages.
It cannot be stipulated that all people should consume one or two snacks a day, it depends on our metabolism and the type of life we lead . What can be suggested is to choose among the snacks, the healthiest ones.
Some snacks are characterized by being tastier, others have more vitamins, however, the important thing is to know how to distinguish them and consciously choose the types and quantities.
5 healthy snacks that give you more energy at work
As we know that a large part of your day is spent at work, we wanted to share these recipes with you so that you can integrate the search for healthy nutrition into your lifestyle .
Hard work, whether physical or mental, creates hunger. It is common to want to eat a snack during office, workshop or laboratory hours; in this case, the most frequent motivation is to provide energy to the body .
The question we can ask list of telegram users in laos ourselves is: Among all the types of snacks for my work, which ones provide the most energy?
In the following list we share 5 healthy snacks that are easy to make and made with natural ingredients that you will surely have in your kitchen. Without a doubt, their energetic quality will help you reduce stress or anxiety and will contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
5 walnuts + 1 apple
Walnuts contain more polyphenol antioxidants than any other fruit, while apples are rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, iron, magnesium, flavonoids and calcium.
It is ideal as a healthy snack for those who do not have much time , since it does not require preparation and can be found in any supermarket.
1 whole wheat bread + 1tbsp peanut butter + ½ banana
If you want a healthy snack that will fill you up, this option is perfect. With just 1 slice of bread, peanut butter and ½ banana you can nourish your body . This snack serves as a source of energy and helps increase the sports performance of those who exercise.