Learn more about modern possibilities of judicial practice analysis
5. Good command of a foreign language (primarily English) is a competitive advantage and an important condition for decent wages.
6. Public speaking and oratory skills. In addition to speaking in court, a modern lawyer speaks at conferences, summits, etc. Many of them are held online. Such speeches require more emotion, they must please armenia phone number lead the audience and be accompanied by a quality presentation.
How to speak in public
7. Interaction skills, ability to work in a team. Ability to accept and coordinate different points of view, achieving a common result. Skills in coordinating the activities of various specialists and processes.
Learn more about teamwork
Shash N.N. Management of intellectual capital of a developing company: textbook. Moscow: Magistr, INFRA-M, 2014. 368 p.
8. Time management. Effective execution of specific tasks and projects: planning, setting goals, prioritizing, delegating tasks, ability to work within tight deadlines, etc.
More about time management
9. Negotiation skills are a classic skill for any successful lawyer.
About the rules of negotiations
10. Good skills in the field of information technology include electronic office work, work with various software products (office applications, platforms for online conferences, etc.), and the ability to work with domestic and foreign legal reference systems.
The art of presentation
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