Infographics - They present data and appear credible

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Infographics - They present data and appear credible

Post by phonenumberlist »

Image - Attract and retain attention
This photo caught my attention and made me read the email to the end to understand why he had shared his sock drawer in an email about growing a niche site.

Getting high-quality images that add value to your email campaign is easy. You can use your camera to capture them or generate them using AI image generation tools like Jasper Art or Midjourney.

Companies, especially SaaS brands, are putting more effort into creating infographics. This is because they are one of the quickest needle-moving images in email marketing italy whatsapp campaigns. Instead of using ambiguous language to explain a concept, you can use infographics to represent it in a way that your audience can understand just by looking at it.

Images, graphs, texts and diagrams usually make up the infographics that interest users. It also makes you appear credible, as your audience will trust you more, which helps convince them that you have the solution to their problems.

Here is an example of using infographics in an email marketing campaign:

A website I have used before launched an email campaign to promote their latest chatbot for Instagram and Facebook. You can see how they used infographics to show how it works and the value you can get from it.

Once you have the results of a survey, research or study, there are ready-made templates that you can modify and customize to create an infographic.

Video - Increase user engagement
Video content is easier to consume, which is why videos on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok get billions of views a month.
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