You have to make sure that it doesn't fail

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You have to make sure that it doesn't fail

Post by Bappy10 »

Now we are going to give you some keys to understand why it is vital to take into account the user experience, which is where everything is focused: What was the user's path like in the system or service being provided.

1. Easy to access
As we mentioned at the beginning, accessibility is the talisman. Imagine that you want to enter a website to buy a product and it is out of service. You will look for another option and will probably discard this brand for the future. Thinking about maintaining the trust of your users and potential clients, easy access should be the priority.

In addition, it must be taken into account that the percentage of norway number data people who decide to make purchases and carry out transactions using their cell phones is increasing, so the website must be responsive. That is, it must adapt to mobile phones or tablets so that it works perfectly. This must be considered from the design stage of the page.

The same goes for apps. , that it's reliable, and that the design is right so that people can access it without any problem. Nowadays , if the page or app takes more than 5 seconds to load, they will probably leave. This is a very important fact to keep in mind.

2. A correct design
There are 4 types of design in the case of user experience (UX). It ranges from interaction design, where the relationship between a user and a product is seen so that it is easy to understand, to visual design. In this case, it is about making it look attractive, that it looks like an application or that it meets the standards expected by potential users. Here, it is also about efficiency and balance in spaces, color and shape. It is part of a whole.
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