At the time, it was an isolated failure. Today, content of the same violence is freely flooding social media, without moderation. " This phenomenon is taking on an unprecedented scale," he believes. On X, Telegram, Snapchat and Instagram, execution videos are proliferating. In addition to the violence of some images, they turn out to be false or taken out of context . Les Décodeurs du Monde regularly lists the false images and videos that have been circulating since October 7: an Israeli plane supposedly shot down by Hamas, the destruction of an Orthodox church in Gaza wrongly announced, a video of children in cages presented as Israeli hostages of Hamas, a missile launch from a video game, a Palestinian activist being assaulted presented as a kidnapped Israeli.
For Achiya Schatz , director of FakeReporter, a group of Israeli activists bulgaria telegram who observe and denounce disinformation online, this content only adds to the ambient confusion: " The real videos are shocking enough without people sharing the fake ones ." Screenshot: The World When major events occur, they usually trigger a wave of disinformation, but the speed with which fake news about this conflict has spread is unprecedented .
But “ when the information environment is polluted by disinformation, it is harder to discern what is happening and make sense of the information available ,” says Alessandro Accorsi, an analyst at the research firm Crisis Group. Failed moderation policies In the face of this deluge, platforms face a complex challenge: making quick decisions with limited information , the Washington Post said . They must balance protecting users from violent, hateful, and misleading content with the need to respect free speech, hold newsworthy material, and potential evidence of war crimes.
A lack of moderation that benefits violence
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