Growth Hacking is a term coined by Sean Ellis, who worked at various companies such as Eventbrite and Dropbox, companies worth millions of dollars. He is known as “the first growth hacker”.
Basically, this concept refers to a way of working that seeks rapid growth tactics by using and analyzing data combined with marketing channels .
Regarding what Growth Marketing is, it is similar, it is within, but it is not the same. In Growth Hacking, efforts are aimed at having a short-term result. They are two concepts that are closely related, but they do not speak of the same thing.
Growth Marketing is oriented towards looking at whatsapp database the entire sales process. Growth hackers only seek to experiment, test and sell more.
This means that what a growth hacker is looking for is to think of a way to analyze a problem and solve it. Hacker is a word that refers to getting a “trick” or to using a resource intelligently.
How can Growth Marketing be used in a business?
Depending on the size of the business, Growth Marketing can be applied in different ways. But always starting from the consumer, the user, or buyer persona , who is going to use your brand.
First, you need to analyze the product you are selling, what features it has, and how to present it to the consumer. Then, think about your buyer persona: what features they have, how they live, what they are looking for. Finally, go and look for that profile on social media and other online channels, testing the way to communicate and make it go viral.
Some strategies are very similar to those of growth hacking and can be:
Create profiles on social networks to stay in touch with your target audience.
Follow the companies and brands that follow you to learn how to communicate better.
Perform A/B tests on small groups of pages, or with a limited universe of clients, and then repeat and scale the success, if it works.
Gamification, or awarding points for using apps or platforms. Points for sales, sharing with friends or cashback .
Offer free services. If you offer a service, give away a free portion, or a period of time, to promote the service.
Launch closed trials or exclusive invitations. This involves offering a service to a few people so they can try it out and generate that sense of belonging and exclusivity.