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January 29, 2019
Marketing Digital
Nowadays, beyond building business-consumer relationships , companies prefer to establish human-to-human relationships . Relationship marketing and inbound marketing are the main disciplines that promote this philosophy as an effective alternative to disruptive advertising. Influencers, being people who have great credibility in one or more topics and have a significant number of followers on social networks, blogs and/or websites, are an ideal bridge to build that consumer-brand relationship.
Most Internet and social media users trust the opinion of influencers because they are people who, like them, want to have an unforgettable experience when purchasing a product and/or service. Therefore, any brand that this person recommends will be immediately valued, since it generates a much more authentic connection and receptivity when dealing with a person who is recommending something.
Imagine how much reach that post could have if the person recommending it has a great influence on their followers. Surely a recommendation coming from them guarantees a successful purchase and high positioning.
Influencers seek to build a personal brand that allows them to clearly define the messages they want to convey, the audience they want to target, the environment in which they want to operate, etc. Opinion leaders have shown us that companies are not the only ones that can create commercial brands and personal branding is a perfect example of this. This term centers its origin in the power that digital platforms have had to promote opinion leaders who turn their communities of followers into their largest market.
Influencers have generally earned recognition and credibility from large communities. Their posts must be frequent, of quality and with a great value proposition behind them. Influencers are built by adding: personal brand, trust and experience .
What platforms do influencers use?
Nowadays, influencers can be classified by social networks as well as by contract conditions. Usually, the most used channels by this group of people are YouTube and Instagram. Through this first social network, they share much more specific experiences and stories that they have lived with brands in vlog formats. On the other hand, Instagram has further emphasized the relationship between brand and influencers by placing a label that indicates “sponsored by” that accompanies the publication of these users.
In a context in which it is becoming mandatory for influencers to indicate poland number for whatsapp when a photo on Instagram is sponsored and forms part of an advertising contract, this company has taken this step in a bid to offer greater transparency between content creators, brands and communities.

The impact of influencers on social media
An influencer 's opinion is much more credible to their followers than any advertising or marketing campaign . In addition, their posts have a greater effect and sometimes even have a decisive effect. Let's analyze for a moment the case of Kylie Jenner and Snapchat.
Kylie Jenner is a young businesswoman who founded her own makeup brand and since then, has had a high global reach. On Instagram she has 110 million followers and on Twitter 25.6 million, that is, she has a huge audience that is constantly interacting with her posts.
On February 21, 2018, Kylie tweeted a tweet that cost Snapchat $1.3 billion, when she posted, “Does anyone else not use Snapchat anymore? Or is it just me… this is so sad.” The company saw its stock drop 6% that day and received a lot of criticism following this controversial statement.
This case shows us how an opinion leader can even alter the economic growth of a solid company with a long-standing positive performance in the market. In other words, the impact of social media influencers is both a positive and negative reality, depending on the customer experience that person has.
Despite this, hiring an influencer for your brand can have great benefits, such as:
Generate the opinion you want about your brand or product. Since their messages will aim to be positive, always highlighting the benefits and advantages of your products and/or services. This is a happy customer who will constantly be posting how satisfied they are with their new acquisition.
They help you connect with your buyer personas , that is, with your ideal buyers. Since this is an audience that relates to your brand's value proposition, this influencer will bring you closer to your target audience. Influencers usually segment their audience very well according to the content they want to transmit. If we use as an example, an influencer whose posts have to do with healthy eating and exercise, a sportswear brand and nutritional supplements, they would surely be your greatest ally.
Make your advertising less intrusive and more user-friendly . It is not an advertisement that is visually disruptive, but rather an accurate recommendation regarding a product that, for the right audience, represents an excellent solution to a problem.
In this sense, influencers have played a very important role in digital marketing by powerfully increasing sales and web positioning of companies that have connected with their interests. Beyond an advertising contract, an influencer is a satisfied customer who motivates other people to learn about and buy your products and/or services. Influencer marketing is undoubtedly a trend that is increasing more and more and in the near future, it will become one of the main channels for promoting brands.