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7 tips to attract more business for your technology company

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:40 am
by shammi88
The Information Technology sector, especially in its B2B aspect, is one of the most dynamic in the market. Constant innovation, sales complexity and widespread intangibility of products and services are very specific challenges common to companies in this ecosystem.

In a complex market, where decision-makers have a highly sophisticated profile and who abhor an intrusive commercial and marketing approach, how can you reach your potential customer?

Inbound Marketing is an “intelligent” approach that responds to a demand for more personalized content through the production of useful and relevant content, delivered at the right time.

A “smart” and non-intrusive approach !
Today, consumers do a lot of research on the internet before deciding to make a purchase. With a well-constructed inbound marketing strategy, when your potential customer is searching for a solution to their problem, “voilá”, your product or service appears as the best solution.

The idea is simple: obtain and gain the trust of customers by producing relevant content (focused on solving your prospect's problem), and developing actions so that they are found by the right person, at the right time.

>>> “63% of marketers say their biggest challenge is generating traffic and leads.” Source: State of Inbound, 2017 | HubSpot
Result: Positioning your company, product or service as an expert/authority/the best solution for the “pains” of a certain market segment.

7 tips to capture more business using the Inbound Marketing methodology applied to IT companies
Produce quality content that is truly focused on solving the problems of your target audience. Blog articles, social media posts , regular email marketing campaigns, and uk number list other content distribution channels are some of the possibilities.
Define the different stages of your marketing funnel (top, middle and bottom of the funnel) taking into account that the objective of the top of the funnel is attraction . The content produced at this stage should be more general, showing how technology is important, but without presenting any specific product or service. In the middle of the funnel , we already have a potential customer who is more informed about the topic, they already know that they have challenges and that they need to solve them. At this stage, the materials produced show not only the challenges but also the solution to solve them . At the bottom of the funnel, the customer already knows which products or services from your IT company will help them solve their challenges and wants to move forward with the purchase. It's time to show them that your IT product or service is the right solution!


Inbound Marketing Workshop May 3, 2018
>>> Don't miss the opportunity to make your IT company more competitive. Develop the skills that will allow you to capture more (and better) business for your IT company. <<<

Define the key topics you should cover in your content dissemination strategy . What topics are of most interest to your target audience? Tools like Google Adwords' Keyword Planner can help you answer this question.
Optimize the content you produce using SEO best practices . In order for your product or service to be seen, it first needs to be found. Help search engines become authentic “prescribers” of your content through, for example, good use of keywords or constant content updating. To learn more about SEO, click here .