The best way to prevent this from happening is to centralize your social networks in one place and monitor your services in real time.
With Digisac you can do this and much more, just request a free trial via WhatsApp (14) 3281–1338 , register your users, include departments and send a campaign via SMS to up to 20 users.
Take the test before Black Friday and be prepared to offer quality service.
Be transparent
As we said in the topic of “be prepared for complaints”, unexpected country code philippines list things can happen, but how you react to them is what matters.
To put it into practice, simply: send messages and keep the consumer informed of everything that happens;
Connection failures; (if you sell a service, where the person receives login data, such as email and password.)
Slowness in the system;
Sending the tracking code;
Delay in delivery of the order;
Complaint protocol; (to confirm that you received the message and are resolving it.)
These are simple attitudes, but they show “we are working to offer you the best.”
“Should I worry about after-sales service during Black Friday?” Yes! Especially if you want these customers to become promoters of your company.
A promoter is someone who recommends your business to their friends and leaves a positive review on social media.
According to the Net Promoter Score satisfaction assessment model that we discussed in this article , there are 3 types of consumers after the sale: promoter, neutral and detractor.
The detractor is the worst, the one who speaks badly, complains and damages your reputation.
The neutral does not complain, but does not praise either, and the promoter is the best of all, as we said above.
With these tips we guarantee that you will provide good service and, in the end, increase the number of repeat customers.