Offer a range of additional services to consumers with whom you have been interacting for a long time and successfully (perhaps even running joint projects).
In the B2B sector, Account-based marketing is a combination of sales and marketing, aimed at a specific, valuable client.
And here, in the actions of salespeople and marketers, consistency numbers (south korean tv series) and synchronicity are important; they must jointly plan and coordinate the brand promotion strategy.
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Free ways to attract clients
Not all companies have the money to find customers in expensive ways. And here free or very inexpensive ways to attract an audience to your products or services come to the rescue. Below are 9 ideas that will cost little, but will attract new customers.
Idea #1 . Possibility to rent goods

A tasting will undoubtedly immediately demonstrate to the client the quality of the offered product. But there are products that require more time to evaluate. And here you can offer the client a paid rental. Set a small price. As a result, the person will understand how relevant the product is for him.
Idea #2 : The initial action is free
A good approach for those who provide multi-stage services. That is, you offer the person who has contacted you a free first contact with your company, which does not oblige them to anything. For example, this is widely used by window installation companies. The first slogan they use is "Measurement is free!"
Free ways to attract clients
Of course, this is not suitable for all services. An offer to cut only half a head, for example, will sound, at the very least, strange. As a first free step, you need to offer some kind of completed action, and it should in no way oblige the person to make a purchase. Only then will the method bear fruit.
Idea #3 : Having a trial period
This is also a great way to increase customer loyalty. This approach, for example, works well in cases where your product is software. You give the user the opportunity to "feel" the software for free, see how it works.
And this is not the only area where a trial period is useful. For example, taxi services offer the first ride for free. If they like the service, they are happy to buy it.
Idea #4 : Showcase Future Results
There are services whose effect becomes visible only after a fairly long period of time. Help the client imagine as realistically as possible what their purchase will bring them. Use modern technologies such as modeling, 3D printing and other visualization options.
Idea #5 . Engagement through play
A good way to find and attract customers, and at the same time present your product in the best light, is to organize games using this product. For example, if you have a bookstore, come up with a fortune-telling game using a book (when you need to name the page and line number). If you sell perfume, a game of recognizing and describing aromas would be appropriate. Prepare prizes for the most active and loyal participants.
Idea #6 : Opportunity to receive a gift
For example, one fitness club started an interesting quest. Everyone could participate, and the owner gave out gym memberships (with different validity periods) as prizes. An interesting move was a bet between a salesperson and a potential client. If the latter loses, he gets to view a product presentation, and if he wins, he gets a discount on the purchase.
Idea #7 : Involvement in the production process
A good idea for those who produce their own product. Involve potential buyers in the process. A simple and cool idea is to create an online product designer on the site. The user goes in and chooses the material for production, the general appearance, and certain properties of their future purchase. Some simple stages of production can also be entrusted to the client.
Idea #8 : Allow in where “you can’t”
Many organizations have areas where only employees and management are allowed to enter. Let potential buyers in for a tour, and you will certainly earn their trust and loyalty. Let it be an open day, a tour of offices, production, some kind of internal closed meeting, but in the presence of the tour participants.
If the implementation of such ideas is physically impossible, organize an online broadcast again from the office or directly from the production site, show something interesting that you can’t see anywhere else in everyday life.
How to achieve multiple growth in traffic and sales from your website?
Alexey Boyarkin
Dmitry Svistunov
Head of SEO and Development
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I have always been concerned about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundred thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.
And I know that such leaps are always the result of painstaking work in five areas:
Technical condition of the site.
Collection of site semantics.
Creating useful content.
Working on conversion.
And at the same time, every manager needs an increase in sales and the number of applications from the site at the moment.
To get this growth, download our step-by-step template for increasing sales from the site:
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