Do you know what this means? Aside from basic friendliness, you must always be ready to solve problems that may arise. Such as returning purchased products or exchanging them. And you must do all this in minimum time, maintaining consistency between the various channels for customer care service .
Damage to the shopping experience must be anticipated thailand business email list if possible and resolved quickly to prevent the inconvenience from becoming a problem. Those who manage to be present both in the pre-sale and in the subsequent phase (and during) have the customer on their side who will be willing to buy from the store and not on the web where, faced with so many advantages, they always have the limitation of not being able to ask questions and receiving a limited UX.
Attracting customers to the store with local marketing also means making sure that there is a real connection between online and offline channels. Have you ever heard of webrooming and showrooming ? In practice, we are talking about the tendency to find objects online and then buy them in the store and vice versa. What does this mean?

Connect e-commerce and physical store
The concept of messy middle according to Google: image source .
You need to create a mechanism that can accommodate what Google calls the messy middle . That is, that intermediate area that puts every entrepreneur in difficulty because of the unexpected response that the customer may have. Specifically, Google reminds us that we are talking about a very clear concept.
A large and diversified number of touchpoints to which the consumer is exposed in the phase that goes between the moment we define as trigger, that is, when the person decides to look for a specific product to purchase, and the moment in which the specific product is chosen and purchased.