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Sell Your Expertise While Offering

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:54 am
by zihadhosenjm80
Sell Your Expertise While Offering Your Friendship
Still on the subject of positioning yourself as an expert, it’s extremely important that you be careful in how you choose to do this—lest you run the risk of turning readers away.

That means framing yourself as a friendly, approachable expert who’s not “above” working austria phone number resource and helping people who are just getting started in their fields.

As much as you are an expert in your niche, strive to be one that’s friendly, approachable and easily relatable. People should trust you enough to lead them, and yet also feel like you’re a friend they can turn to for reliable advice.

5. Nail Your Calls-to-Action on Your About Me Page
By this point on your About Me page, your readers will be somewhat well acquainted with you—and understand what you have to offer. So, what’s next? Don’t take it for granted that the visitors to your About Me page will instinctively find their way to other key pages on your blog.

Use this as an opportunity to direct readers to exactly where you think they should be next. That’s why your About Me page must always have at least one clear call to action.

Tell readers what they should do next at each stage of getting to know you. For example, I let readers know which social media platform I’m most active on and immediately invite them to connect with me there:

How to Write a Call to Action for Your Blog's About Me Page (Screenshot of an Example)
Further down my About page, I introduce readers to my podcast and insert a clear call-to-action asking them to give the show a listen if they’re interested in stories about business ideas that’ve grown from side hustle to full-time endeavor (check out my guide to starting a podcast if you’re interested in developing a show of your own):

Screenshot of Podcast Call-to-Action on My Blog About Me Page