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We’re hook on infinite scrolling and can’t stop updating

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:10 am
by sumonasumonakha.t
Our screens for the next new post. Sometimes we win and see something exciting, sometimes we lose. But we will always click. Does Clickbait Work All the Time? Proven by analytics and marketing studies, clickbait works if the only criteria are getting eyes on the prize and capturing viewers. Getting quality interaction and repeated hits does not work with all clickbait, and that’s where the term gets its negative connotation.

So, while we might agree that clickbait is annoying, the headline writer is telling their tunisia telegram database audience, “We know something you don’t know,” and we are curious. We wonder, “What was the top rock hit in 1988?” and “Why did a ten-time All-Star sports hero go to jail?” And who can resist a headline that asks, “How to increase your profit using the same content marketing strategy as Spotify?” How mature is your content - Promotional Banner But Wait.

Can Clickbait Be Honest with Your Audience? We all have a moral compass, and somewhere in each of us is a little voice that says, “Hey, don’t go over the line.” If that doesn’t sound like you, at least ask yourself if you would be happy clicking on a link and getting a little bait and switch article that has nothing to do with the headline. To keep your audience happy, clicking, and buying products from your website or your advertisers, deliver what your headlines offer.