When it comes to performance , you need to make sure your site is responsive, so it looks great on any device, and that your images are optimized to speed up loading times.
When it comes to SEO , you need to make sure your images are properly tagged with keywords and alt text, as we've already mentioned.
These two aspects will help the pages to rank better in search engine results.
Also, make sure that your web pages are structured with appropriate titles and headings , so that they can be easily found and indexed by search engines. If you use videos and other multimedia content, these must also be properly optimized.
Keep in mind that website optimization is not a one-time thing, but something you need to continually monitor and adjust as needed.
With the right optimization strategies, you can ensure that your site always works at its best, regardless of the device it is viewed on.
8 Optimize image URL structure and make sure they are accessible in robots.txt
Google uses the URL path and file name to check your images. It would be best to organize your images so that the URLs are constructed in a logical way.
By optimizing the URL structure of your images and making sure canada telegram mobile phone number list they are accessible in your robot.txt file, your website can gain a competitive advantage.
Image URLs can be optimized to include key words and phrases relevant to your page, which can help increase organic traffic. It is also important to ensure that images are accessible to search engine bots in your robots.txt file.
This allows search engines to see the images and index them in the results pages.
The ability to access and index images can also help increase the overall SEO ranking of your website and give it a better chance of appearing higher in SERPs.
Use Robots.txt files, important documents crucial for SEO project management, as they contain important instructions for search engines, the so-called directives.
Correctly filling out your Robots.txt file allows you to communicate effectively with Google.
So, if you want to make sure your website performs at its best, it is essential to optimize the URL structure of your images and make sure they are accessible in your robots.txt file.