Why install an alarm in your business?

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Why install an alarm in your business?

Post by sumaiyakhatun26 »

Some solutions will be equipped with a high-performance image analysis method. To address the weaknesses of a surveillance operator, it is indeed possible to use a video surveillance system that allows facial recognition without having to move! However, let's not forget that humans remain important in this type of prevention; an alarm for a business, for example, is an additional aid.

In the same vein as facial recognition, Domotys also has the possibility coo email list of offering you license plate recognition to successfully manage your flows and secure parking lots. This is what we can see with the automatic opening of barriers, for example.

To fight against crime, to prevent theft, damage, to protect employees but also equipment or sales products, a business alarm is certainly one of the first systems to think about!
Beware of ant spending
Here we are talking about expenses that are almost imperceptible because they are small amounts. However, when they accumulate, they can represent a considerable amount that affects your budget.

In addition, a video surveillance system like this allows for productivity control and remote monitoring of your site. If you have doubts about the efforts made, if you have the impression that strange events are occurring in your business, requesting the intervention of Domotys is a sure way to verify all of this.
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