Planning staff changes . For example, if a company has a vacancy but has not yet found an employee, this position can be included in the budget using special mechanisms based on the staffing schedule. Also, in planned vacancies, all indicators characteristic of this position can be taken into account, for example, a bonus for hazardous work.
Planning based on actual data . Planned data includes the fixed part of the salary, bonuses, vacation pay, insurance contributions and allowances - what can be predicted. However, there are also unpredictable payments, such as for working on weekends, overtime, one-time bonuses, additional payments for combining jobs.
To take this information into account, an algorithm was belize whatsapp phone number added to the module that collects data for the previous period and applies the calculation results to the current one. That is, it will analyze how much employees worked on weekends last year and take this into account in the budget.
As a result, all the data that is already in the system can be used for budgeting. For example, accruals that are included in pay slips and are already in the payroll and personnel system are easily integrated into the budgeting process.
Salary indexation . The system has a mechanism for indexing calculated values, both for the entire company at once and for departments from any month of the planned year.
Read on the topic: Automation of business processes in HR: helps or makes things worse
Examples of reports
You set up the parameters for analytics and the depth of report detail yourself: by budget items, by the organization as a whole or by each employee, by department, by types of accruals. Any report can be viewed dynamically: before and after changes.
For example, it was important for the RKS company to take into account separately the payroll, reserves and insurance premiums in budgeting.
The company also needed to form not only the income statement but also the cash flow statement:
Cash flow statement: planning of cash payments to employees, personal income tax, insurance premiums and annual bonuses;
BDR: planning of total amounts of payroll and reserves.
Sample report
Example of accounting of indicators in reports
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