That’s where the name Squid comes

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That’s where the name Squid comes

Post by Bappy10 »

Another important aspect is the speed of unifying and streamlining the implementation of the content to other markets.
Sergi Aguilar, CTO of Optopus and leader of the development of this new SaaS, believes that “Squid was born to fill a need that had not been covered until now.” As experts in digital optimization and digital shelves in marketplaces and online distributors, Optopus detected this need directly from its clients. “We saw that companies had to allocate a lot of resources, both time and money and personnel, to create and improve product sheets, and then transfer this content to other markets .” With Squid, what could previously take months, now takes seconds.

In a second phase, Squid will also allow comparison and A/B testing to test the slovenia number data performance of the changes and ensure that the optimization is correct; if there is room for improvement, a list of pending actions will appear. And in a third phase, Squid will allow control of all the product sheets that a company has not only on Amazon but also on the main marketplaces and online distributors.

As Silvia Aguilar (CEO of Optopus) comments, “ from: squids are the chameleons of the ocean, they change colour to blend in with their surroundings. Squid does the same with distributors, it is the only Digital Asset Management that blends in with online distributors. It is currently an Amazon clone but in the near future it will clone the
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