The buyer journey , also known as the customer journey , is the path that consumers follow before making a purchase. It includes all the interactions they have with a brand, from the moment they identify a need until they complete the purchase.
In this content, you will learn what the buyer journey is , the different stages that make it up and what they consist of, as well as the role that content plays in the consumer journey. Keep reading to learn more!
Within inbound marketing , it is important to know how your company's potential customers behave. This way, you can identify the different phases they go through until the purchase is made and phone library thus generate strategies that allow you to increase sales.
What is the buyer journey?
Many business owners wonder what the buyer journey is . Now is the time to find out! Buyer journey or customer journey is the journey that consumers take from the moment they identify that they have a need until they make a purchase.
It is extremely rare for a customer to search for a product or service and buy it immediately. Typically, customers discover they have a need and actively research the product, service or brand that can solve it, compare and shop around until they finally make a decision and make the purchase.
This journey occurs both in physical and online channels. Omnichannel and the phygital trend have allowed the dividing line between these sales channels to blur and boost each other.
To understand the buyer journey of potential customers, it is essential to define a buyer persona . This profile helps to identify the tastes and characteristics of the ideal customer, which allows to effectively direct the actions of a content strategy.
What is a buyer journey map?
The buyer journey map is a tool that represents, in a document, the customer journey. It allows you to identify the questions that potential customers ask, as well as the general themes that surround their needs. This will make it easier for them to approach your brand through relevant content.
Once you identify the means through which your buyer persona could reach you, you can create an ideal content strategy to attract targeted customers who are almost ready to purchase what you offer.
In this document, you can highlight topics that will help potential customers based on the stage of the sales funnel they are in. For example, trigger questions and top of the funnel topics are those that help people at an early stage, who need more information to become your customers.