WooCommerce consolidates its position as the preferred tool for creating online stores
Another key finding from the study is that WooCommerce has established itself as a business avenue for SiteGround customers. Interest in the WordPress plugin has increased, especially among marketing agencies: over the past year, the number of marketing agencies interested in WooCommerce comprised 64.29%, up more than 20 percentage points from 2020.
On the other hand, marketing agencies' interest in e-commerce has grown signific jordan number data antly. Thus, in 2021, the number of marketing agencies interested in e-commerce has increased by more than 10 percentage points compared to 2020.
professionals interested in WordPress has grown over the past year. The sharpest increase is seen among bloggers. In 2020, only 54.87% of them were interested in this content management system, while in 2021, the number of bloggers who opted for WordPress increased by more than 28 percentage points.
Specifically, the interest of SMEs in Marketing topics has increased in 2021 by 17 percentage points compared to 2020 – 67.55% and 50.55%, respectively. This upward trend is also observed in the attractiveness of WordPress for SMEs, which went from being used by 46.86% in 2020 to 64.38% in 2021.
From SiteGround, José Ramón Padrón, Country Manager of SiteGround in Spain, explains that “in 2021 the boom in website creation continued, although to a lesser extent than in 2020. Thus, SMEs that had already created their websites in the year of the pandemic focused their efforts in 2021 on Marketing strategies and platforms to continue consolidating their online business and grow.”