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How to create a company in Argentina

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:01 am
by asimd23
The steps we told you about in the previous section are general steps to start a business .

Now we are going to tell you what the requirements are to create a company in Argentina .

About the structure
As we told you above, when choosing the type of structure (or business corporation) of your company, you will have to consider the objectives and needs of your business .

Here we tell you which are the most used commercial companies in the country:

Limited Liability Company (LLC)
It is a type of business organization in number data which the partners have limited liability for the company's debts, that is, they are only obliged to pay up to the capital they have contributed .

LLCs are a popular form of organization in Argentina due to their flexibility. However, they do have their limitations, such as the maximum number of partners allowed and the obligation to comply with certain legal and accounting requirements.
Read more → SRL: what is this legal entity and how to form one in Latin America

Public limited company (P.S.)
It is a type of company that allows shareholders to participate in the company's capital and have the right to receive a proportional share of the profits generated. SA are usually used by larger and more complex organizations that seek greater stability and legal protection .

Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS)
It is a recent type of company in Argentina (it was approved in 2017).

Its objective is to provide small and medium-sized entrepreneurs with the facilities to create their company in a short time, without so many administrative requirements. This means that a SAS is much easier to establish than a SA .

If you want to know more about this type of society, we invite you to read this post .

Tip : We recommend that you seek the advice of a professional on the subject who can help you define which structure is most convenient for your business.

About the name
You need to verify that the name you choose for your company is available in Argentina.

How can you find out? Check it out using the free trademark search engine of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI).

If available, you can register it online on the same INPI page .

Boost your brand by creating your own online store.
About the statute
A bylaw is a legal document that sets out the basic rules and regulations of an organization. You need to create it before registering your company in the Public Registry of Commerce (which we will tell you about below).

In general terms, this document defines the objectives, responsibilities, rights and duties of the members of the company, as well as the rules for its operation and management.

Please note that to create the statute you will need a public notary .

About capital
Another requirement to create a company in Argentina is to demonstrate the availability of a minimum capital, which varies depending on the type of company you choose.

Today, you can do this procedure by presenting the money in cash before a certifying notary public or through a deposit in the Banco Nación.