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Technology Driven Change

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:03 am
by mmehedi*#
This is certainly a dynamic factor when one looks to the future of cybersecurity in the US and abroad. The next few years will definitely witness the advent of more real time detection capabilities as opposed to the present-day reliance on educated predictions and trend analysis.

Despite recent industry-wide efforts to bolster the security of the energy infrastructure, some feel the systems built and deployed today cannot stand up to high-end cyber-attacks. To that end, NIST Special Publication 800-160 attempts to define “systems security engineering processes that are tightly coupled to and fully integrated into well-established, international australia mobile number list free standards-based systems and software engineering processes.”12 Operating under the motto of, “Build it Right, Continuously Monitor,” they have initiated a four-phase project that allows system developers and integrators to incorporate NIST security practices into their software and systems. It’s also hoped that 800-160 will facilitate improved dialogue between system engineers and system security engineers in the interest of scaling-back the threat of cyber attacks.


cybersecurity-sis-market-researchTime does not appear to be on the side of the energy sector cybersecurity efforts in North America. The regulatory bodies are trying to instigate progressive change, but international control systems vendors are often slow moving, and large corporations are often not willing to invest in anything that goes beyond their own systems.