Fears when starting a business

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Fears when starting a business

Post by Bappy10 »

We have heard this expression, so deeply rooted in our culture, on many occasions. And sometimes it makes sense when you tell someone close to you that you have the idea of ​​starting a business but you don't know how to do it. "I have always worked in another area, but I would like to start one," "I am a journalist, but I want to work in the flower business," "I need to generate more resources, but I don't know how, I think I should have a business"; these are some of the most frequent comments that make people decide to start a business.

A large majority of entrepreneurs in Chile do so because they need to germany whatsapp number support their families. This is also demonstrated by the Seventh Microentrepreneurship Survey 2023, EME 7, which indicates that 959,495 microentrepreneurs, out of a universe of 1,977,426, declare that the greatest motivation for starting their activity is “Need”. Likewise, the number of women (58.4%) who start a business for this reason is higher than that of men (41.7%). Likewise, the reason “Opportunity” remains relevant: it represents 30.0% of women and 41.6% of men.


It is on this last point that we want to emphasize, on the ventures that start from an opportunity or a business idea that responds to a market need. Our experience as a Corporation and the evidence from the literature prove to us that when the venture arises from an existing opportunity in the market, it tends to be more durable over time. “Therein lies the challenge today of connecting entrepreneurs with great existing opportunities, and in turn that these opportunities connect with their purposes. In this way we will be able to increase the sustainability of businesses over time,” says Nicolás Herschmann, Director of Methodology and Innovation at Simón de Cirene.

Follow your dreams

On the path of entrepreneurship, the business or businesses chosen by entrepreneurs have much to do with personal affinities, rather than with the area of ​​study in which they are trained. However, those who have crossed the river assure that training and research about the market are essential to get ahead.

This is demonstrated by Andrés Vásquez, Co-founder of “Awa Solar” and “Lader Energy”, who is a designer by profession and dedicated himself to entrepreneurship in the area of ​​water bottling and in the area of ​​renewable energy. “There will always be people who will tell you 'cake maker, stick to your guns', and many times this comment can reflect the fears or lack of confidence that the person who says it has towards others, rather than towards the same venture. In our case, in the two ventures that we have had since 2016 to date: Lader Energy, where we are dedicated to the development of renewable energy projects with a presence in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and we are entering Paraguay this year; and in Awa Solar, these are areas that initially had nothing to do with me,” he says.

It is not an easy path, but with perseverance and tools you can get ahead. “The path of entrepreneurship is the most beautiful thing there is from my point of view, it is a tortuous path, but a beautiful one. I recommend taking the plunge, visualizing success, envisioning what you want to achieve and setting goals,” adds the participant of the SMU mentoring and consulting program, managed by our Corporation.

Having a clear purpose helps the entrepreneur to make better decisions, since these are in line with the business objective.

Soledad Flores is the owner of Sociedad Comercial Soflo SpA, located in Osorno, Los Lagos Region. “Facing fears when starting a business is a constant challenge. I am convinced that the key lies in the passion for what one does. The obstacles are varied, from financial uncertainty to fear of failure; however, with a well-structured plan and a committed support team, it is possible to overcome them,” she says.

Another factor that helps when making better decisions when starting a business is to visualize the business opportunity. “Deciding to start a business in the agricultural sector was a significant leap for me. The decision was not easy; it required a lot of reflection and courage. What encouraged me to change my field was the conviction that I could contribute something valuable to the industry, combining quality service and specialization in consultative sales,” says Soledad.

For this entrepreneur, a participant in the Agro Escala program, promoted by the Antonio Hitschfeld Foundation and executed by Simón de Cirene, “starting a business represents an act of courage and an investment in the future. Each step we take is an opportunity to grow, receive advice, learn and adapt. This allows us to improve our business and continue developing our skills to work with greater enthusiasm.”

You know, if you are thinking about starting a business, remember to leave your fears behind. “Stay focused on your own business” is a piece of advice that can be better overcome when you train yourself and research the market you want to enter. Think about the purpose and passion you are putting into changing your field. And remember that in our corporation you will find an ally that will help you build networks and accompany you on this path.
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