An Experience in the world of BIDDING - Effecti Experience

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An Experience in the world of BIDDING - Effecti Experience

Post by mostakimvip04 »

Effecti Experience will be an event that will bring together the best experts to talk about the current scenario and the future of public procurement . The event will bring together more than 700 people involved in the sector, including speakers, influencers, suppliers and government agents.

The first edition will present a discussion on the digitalization of the government purchasing system and the best ways to automate its service , showing in practice how technology is contributing to the current bidding scenario, making them more transparent.

The program is incredible, full of new features, with the most important names in the current public procurement scenario and our presence at the event is confirmed! The CEO of the Public Procurement Portal, Leonardo Ladeira , will contribute with the lecture “From in-person to electronic auction - the benefits for the government and suppliers” .

The event will focus on technological innovation for public procurement. There will be two days of total immersion. The Effecti Experience will take place on August 29th and 30th in Florianópolis -SC at the Costão do Santinho Resort .

One of the Portal's main initiatives in this regard is the free use system that we offer to buyers from all over the country – city halls, state governments and public bodies linked to them that use our platform.
For them, the process is 100% free, so there is no public money involved – this is one of our main causes, which gains even greater importance in society in times of fighting corruption.
On the Portal, only suppliers pay for the use of the platform: a usage fee to have daily access to information on the opening of bids and demands from public entities across the country that are purchasing via electronic auctions.
Add to this the Transparency that the platform provides to public purchases – all data and documents are available on the Portal website and processes can be monitored in real time by any citizen who wants to know where and how their money is being used.

These are tools that promote social protection for all, as they enable more efficient management of public resources and broad access to the population regarding their use.

This is our contribution to the eradication of poverty.
We believe that by helping public bodies achieve savings and cost-effectiveness in purchases with public money, by holding online auctions, we are enabling the use of resources where they are truly needed most.
By improving efficiency in government procurement, more resources can be allocated to governments to take action to combat hunger and achieve social justice.

The data from this product is then stored by the government for a certain uk business email database period (no longer than 12 months) and, whenever requested, the supplier who registered a product must provide it to the government at the registered price.


In other words, it serves as a database with the average price of products and services to be used at the time of a public purchase.

The big difference with this modality is that the government is not obliged to contract, acquiring goods or services.

In this case, the bidder assumes the obligation to supply, but the government does not.

With a Price Registration System, the government buys or contracts if it wants, when it wants and in the quantity it wants, as long as it is within the maximum quantities bid and the validity period of the record.

What is the Price Registration Record?
The Price Registration Record is a binding and obligatory document, that is, it is a document that generates the expectation of contracting.

It records the prices, suppliers, supply conditions and all participating agencies.

This is a very important tool for saving public spending and for complying with the principle of economy in bidding processes.

For example, if a city government needs to buy pens for schools but does not know the exact quantity it needs, if demand exceeds the estimate, the city government can benefit from the Price Registration Record to acquire a new batch without having to conduct a new bidding process.

What is the Price Registration System for?

What is the Price Registration System for?

The Price Registration System is used when a public body wants to register the prices of goods and services so that, at a later date, it can purchase them at the registered prices.

In this sense, the SRP serves to prevent the public administration from holding successive bids to purchase the same product.

In these cases, when the bidding process is concluded, the administration makes available the Price Registration Record, which is a binding document, with characteristics of a commitment for future contracting, where prices, suppliers, participating agencies and the conditions to be applied are registered.

In other words, once the bidding process is concluded, it is through the Price Registration Record that the bidding public agency or entity will purchase from the supplier (who has the price already registered for the product or service) as many times as necessary.

Ultimately, it is a way to avoid unnecessary expenses with repeated bids to purchase the same product.

What does the legislation say? What the legislation says
Currently, bids are governed by Law 14,133/21, the New Bidding Law, which deals with the Price Registration System in Art. 82, paragraphs 5 and 6:

Art. 82. The bidding notice for price registration shall observe the general rules of this Law and must provide for: (...)

§ 5º The price registration system may be used to contract goods and services, including engineering works and services, subject to the following conditions: I - prior completion of extensive market research; II - selection in accordance with the procedures provided for in the regulation; III - mandatory development of a control routine; IV - periodic updating of registered prices; V - definition of the validity period of the price registration; VI - inclusion, in the price registration minutes, of the bidder who agrees to quote goods or services at prices equal to those of the winning bidder in the bidding ranking sequence and inclusion of the bidder who maintains its original proposal.

§ 6º The price registration system may, in the form of regulations, be used in cases where bidding is not required or is waived for the acquisition of goods or the contracting of services by more than one agency or entity.
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