In Russia, there is GOST 7.9-95 , which regulates the writing of abstracts and annotations. It is worth getting acquainted with this standard for the sake of general development, but you do not need to spend a lot of time studying it: the part that describes how an annotation is composed is quite short and not very clear. In addition, the GOST for annotations applies to both scientific and fiction literature, and most of the points of the document describe the requirements specifically for works of fiction (literary genre, years of reprint, and other details that are not applicable to scientific articles).
Here is a list of useful provisions of GOST that are worth considering:
In the abstract, you need to tell what is new in your work poland number for whatsapp compared to similar articles;
If your work relies on the work of other scientists, be sure to include them in the abstract;
Indicate the topic, problem and research methods in the abstract.
GOST recommends writing an abstract of about 500 characters. This requirement can be ignored - each scientific journal has its own requirements for the length of abstracts. For example, to publish in the journal "Current Research", you need to write an abstract of 2-3 sentences. On average, this is 200-300 characters.
A good abstract clearly states the purpose of the study, its importance to society (problem), methods and materials of the study. Let's look in a little more detail at the points that are usually included in the abstract.
Purpose of the study
The goal of your research can be formulated as a hypothesis. In one or two sentences, describe what results you expected from your research at the beginning of your work. In addition, the abstract should indicate why this research makes sense in the first place. What did you want to achieve when you set the task? How can your research improve the work of other people? Even if you think it is quite obvious, it is still better to state the importance of the article in plain text.

When writing an annotation, follow the principle of certainty: write specifically and precisely. Do not leave any omissions.
Read the example abstract below. Can you formulate what the author's goal was? Perhaps you can guess from the context, but the abstract should still provide comprehensive information about the purpose of the study. By the way, note that this abstract has neither a goal nor a conclusion. The reader will not be able to understand what the author wanted to achieve and what he ultimately achieved. We can say that this abstract only gives a general idea of how the study was conducted, but not why.