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Find a Comparison Finally, during a session about how social media and search intersect

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:03 am
by zihadhasan019
Target a Response At this morning's keynote, we had a chance to hear from the marketing departments of various Vegas hotels. Like the rest of us, these marketers are learning as they go, trying to figure out how to use Twitter and Facebook to drive real business value. Most of the hotel marketing departments see social media as a direct-response channel, and that's certainly a start. Put out a special offer through social media channels, and you can measure the response.

Where there's a measurable response, there's M taiwan email list GM Grand's marketing head hinted at another possibility – their employees monitor Twitter to spot dissatisfied hotel guests, dispatching staff to help solve the problem. What's the natural next step? Measure this response. How many problems did they intercept? How many were they able to solve? What does solving one customer's problem equal in real dollars? All of these questions can be answered, and from those answers comes tangible value.


We heard a great example from Lee Odden about how to put a value on social media. Lee mentioned that his firm drives about 15-20 major media mentions per month from social media. He estimates that this equates to paying a PR firm $10,000/month. This may not sound like metrics in the traditional sense, but it's an entirely valid approach. PR costs money to generate, and social media has replaced that value.